How To Grow Cuore di Bue Tomatoes

If you’re a tomato enthusiast or a food lover, chances are you’ve come across the term “Cuore di Bue Tomatoes.” These unique Italian tomatoes, also known as Italian Oxheart tomatoes, have been captivating taste buds and finding their way into various dishes around the world.

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of Cuore di Bue, exploring their history, characteristics, culinary potential, and much more. So, let’s embark on a flavorful journey through the heart of Italian tomatoes!

What’s in a Name?

Cuore di Bue translates to “Oxheart” in Italian, and this name is not just a coincidence. These tomatoes are aptly named due to their distinct heart shape. Picture a plump, slightly irregular, and deeply ribbed tomato that resembles the shape of a heart. It’s a visual delight that adds a touch of romance to your kitchen.

Unique Characteristics of Cuore di Bue Tomatoes

Cuore di Bue tomatoes are renowned for more than just their shape. They are prized for their:

  • Size: These tomatoes are typically larger than your average tomato, making them a generous addition to any dish.
  • Texture: Cuore di Bue tomatoes have a meaty and juicy flesh that’s perfect for slicing or dicing.
  • Flavor: Their flavor profile is a delightful balance of sweetness and acidity, making them ideal for various culinary creations.

Variations in the Shape and Color of Cuore di Bue

While the heart shape is the hallmark of Cuore di Bue tomatoes, there are delightful variations to explore. You can find them in shades ranging from vibrant red to golden yellow. Their sizes may also vary slightly, allowing you to choose the perfect tomato for your culinary endeavors.

Cuore di Bue’s History

A Tomato with Roots

Cuore di Bue tomatoes have a storied history that stretches back to their Italian origins. These tomatoes are believed to have been cultivated for centuries in Italy, where they’ve earned a special place in the hearts of Italians. They are considered an heirloom variety, cherished for their unique attributes and rich flavor.

Significance of the Italian Variety

In Italy, Cuore di Bue tomatoes are not just a tomato; they are a cultural treasure. Italians have been using these tomatoes in traditional dishes for generations, from pasta sauces to salads. Their popularity in Italian cuisine speaks to their exceptional taste and versatility.

Mention of Other Oxheart Varieties

While Cuore di Bue is the star of the show, it’s worth noting that there are other oxheart tomato varieties around the world. These tomatoes share the same heart-shaped characteristics and often bring their own distinct flavors and colors to the table.

How To Grow Cuore di Bue Tomatoes

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to grow Cuore di Bue tomatoes successfully:

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start, gather the necessary supplies:

  • Cuore di Bue tomato seeds
  • Seedling trays or pots
  • Potting soil mix
  • Garden stakes or cages for support
  • Garden trowel or shovel
  • Mulch
  • Fertilizer (preferably organic)
  • Watering can or garden hose
  • Garden gloves

Step 2: Starting Seeds

  1. Select Quality Seeds: Choose high-quality Cuore di Bue tomato seeds from a reputable supplier. Ensure they are fresh and haven’t expired.
  2. Planting Time: Start your Cuore di Bue tomato seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost in your region. This timing will vary depending on your location.
  3. Seed Trays or Pots: Fill seedling trays or small pots with a well-draining potting soil mix. Plant the seeds 1/4 inch deep and space them about 2 inches apart.
  4. Warmth and Light: Place the trays or pots in a warm location with plenty of indirect sunlight. Use a seedling heat mat if necessary to maintain a consistent temperature of around 70-75°F (21-24°C).
  5. Keep Moist: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Use a misting spray bottle to water gently if needed.
  6. Transplanting: When the seedlings have developed a few true leaves and are about 4-6 inches tall, they are ready for transplanting.

Step 3: Transplanting and Caring for Young Plants

  1. Choose the Right Location: Select a sunny spot in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  2. Prepare the Soil: Cuore di Bue tomatoes thrive in well-draining, fertile soil. Enrich your garden bed with organic matter like compost to ensure good soil structure.
  3. Planting: Dig a hole for each seedling deep enough to cover the roots and part of the stem. Space the plants at least 24 inches apart to allow for proper air circulation and growth.
  4. Support Structures: Install garden stakes or cages near the seedlings to provide support as the plants grow. Cuore di Bue tomatoes can become quite heavy.
  5. Mulch: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
  6. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot. Water at the base of the plants in the morning to prevent fungal issues.
  7. Fertilizing: Fertilize your Cuore di Bue tomatoes with a balanced, organic tomato fertilizer following the manufacturer’s instructions. Typically, you’ll want to fertilize when you plant and then again when the first fruits start to form.

Step 4: Tips for Successful Growth and Harvesting

  1. Pruning: Trim any lower leaves that touch the soil to prevent soil-borne diseases. You can also prune excessive foliage to improve air circulation.
  2. Disease Prevention: Keep an eye out for common tomato diseases like blight and use organic disease control methods if necessary.
  3. Harvesting: Harvest your Cuore di Bue tomatoes when they are fully ripe, which is when they are a deep red color and slightly soft to the touch. Be gentle when picking them to avoid damage.
  4. Storage: Store harvested tomatoes at room temperature until fully ripe, then transfer them to the refrigerator to extend their shelf life.
  5. Saving Seeds: If you want to grow Cuore di Bue tomatoes in future seasons, you can save seeds from ripe fruits. Dry the seeds thoroughly before storing them in a cool, dark place.

With proper care and attention, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of Cuore di Bue tomatoes that are perfect for creating delicious culinary delights in your kitchen.

Nutritional Value of Cuore di Bue tomatoes

Red Gold in Every Bite

Beyond their delectable taste and unique appearance, Cuore di Bue tomatoes pack a nutritional punch. One of the standout components in these tomatoes is lycopene, a powerful antioxidant responsible for their vibrant red color.

Health Benefits of Lycopene

Lycopene is known for its potential health benefits, including:

  • Antioxidant Properties: Lycopene helps combat free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress.
  • Heart Health: It may contribute to heart health by reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Cancer Prevention: Some studies suggest lycopene may lower the risk of certain cancers.

Inclusion of Cuore di Bue in a Healthy Diet

With their lycopene content and overall nutritional profile, Cuore di Bue tomatoes are an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Whether you enjoy them fresh in salads or as part of a savory sauce, these tomatoes bring both flavor and nutrition to the table.

Cuore di Bue in Recipes

From Garden to Plate

Cuore di Bue tomatoes are more than just a pretty face; they’re culinary powerhouses. Here are some ways to incorporate them into your dishes:

  • Using Cuore di Bue in Fresh Tomato Recipes: Slice them for caprese salads, layer them in sandwiches, or chop them for salsas.
  • Popular Dishes Featuring Cuore di Bue: Dive into classic Italian recipes like Margherita pizza or bruschetta.
  • Potential for Making Passata with Cuore di Bue: Transform these tomatoes into a rich, flavorful passata for pasta sauces and stews.

Recipe Roundup

Let’s Get Cooking!

Now that you know the versatility and flavor of Cuore di Bue tomatoes, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start cooking. Here’s a roundup of mouthwatering recipes that showcase the culinary potential of these Italian treasures:

  1. Caprese Salad with Cuore di Bue Tomatoes: A colorful and refreshing appetizer.
  2. Cuore di Bue Bruschetta: The perfect combination of crisp bread and juicy tomatoes.
  3. Homemade Tomato Sauce: Elevate your pasta dishes with a homemade tomato sauce.
  4. Cuore di Bue Tomato Soup: A comforting and flavorful soup for any season.
  5. Cuore di Bue Margherita Pizza: A classic pizza that highlights the sweetness of these tomatoes.
  6. Grilled Cuore di Bue Tomatoes: A simple yet delicious side dish for your BBQ.
  7. Cuore di Bue Salsa Fresca: A zesty and vibrant salsa for tacos or grilled meats.

These recipes are just the tip of the culinary iceberg when it comes to Cuore di Bue tomatoes. Let your creativity flow, and explore the myriad ways you can incorporate them into your cooking.

Oxheart Tomato Substitutes

When Cuore di Bue Isn’t Available

While Cuore di Bue tomatoes are undoubtedly special, there are times when they may not be readily accessible. In such cases, you can consider these suitable substitutes:

  • San Marzano Tomatoes: Known for their rich flavor and low acidity, they work well in sauces.
  • Roma Tomatoes: These tomatoes are meaty and have fewer seeds, making them great for sauces and canning.
  • Beefsteak Tomatoes: Their large size and juicy flesh make them a versatile choice in various recipes.

Each of these substitutes has its unique qualities, so feel free to experiment and find the one that best suits your dish.

Where to Buy Cuore di Bue Tomatoes

Sourcing Your Tomato Delight

Now that you’re eager to explore the world of Cuore di Bue tomatoes, you might wonder where to find them. Here are some recommendations:

  • Farmers’ Markets as a Primary Source: Local markets often feature a variety of tomato breeds, including Cuore di Bue. Plus, you can interact with growers and learn more about these tomatoes.
  • Suggesting Inquiries at Italian Restaurants: Some restaurants source their ingredients locally and may be willing to share information about their suppliers.
  • Encouragement for Growing Cuore di Bue at Home: If you have a green thumb, consider growing these tomatoes in your garden. We’ll explore this further in the next section.

Canned Cuore di Bue

Preserving the Goodness

If you want to enjoy Cuore di Bue tomatoes year-round, consider getting them in canned form, particularly as passata. Passata is a puree made from tomatoes that have been strained of seeds and skins, resulting in a smooth and rich base for sauces and soups.

Keep in mind that, for international buyers, there may be shipping limitations due to the fragile nature of canned products. Always check with your supplier for availability and shipping options.

Growing Cuore di Bue Tomatoes

Green Thumbs Unite!

For those with a passion for gardening, growing Cuore di Bue tomatoes can be a rewarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Starting Seeds: Begin by planting Cuore di Bue tomato seeds indoors. Ensure they have ample sunlight and warmth.
  2. Transplanting and Caring for Young Plants: Once they develop a few leaves, transplant the seedlings into larger pots. Continue to provide adequate sunlight and water.
  3. Tips for Successful Growth and Harvesting: Prune the plants as needed, provide support for the heavy fruit, and watch for signs of ripeness. Harvest when the tomatoes are plump and fully colored.

With the right care and attention, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of Cuore di Bue tomatoes.

Where to Buy Cuore di Bue Seeds

Planting the Seed of Love

If you’re interested in growing Cuore di Bue tomatoes from scratch, you’ll need to find the seeds. Here are some options:

  • Online Sources for Purchasing Cuore di Bue Seeds: Many online seed vendors offer a wide selection of tomato seeds, including heirloom varieties like Cuore di Bue.
  • Alternative Options If Local Nurseries Do Not Carry Them: Inquire at local gardening clubs or forums, as fellow gardeners may have recommendations for specialty seed sources.


In conclusion, Cuore di Bue tomatoes are not just a tomato; they are a culinary adventure waiting to be explored. With their unique shape, rich history, and versatile uses, these Italian Oxheart tomatoes have rightfully earned their place in kitchens around the world. Whether you enjoy them fresh in salads, simmered in sauces, or grown in your backyard, Cuore di Bue tomatoes offer a taste of Italy’s vibrant culinary heritage. So, go ahead, embrace the heart of Italian tomatoes, and let your culinary creativity flourish!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How did Cuore di Bue tomatoes get their name?

A1: Cuore di Bue translates to “Oxheart” in Italian, a name inspired by their distinctive shape.

Q2: Are Cuore di Bue tomatoes suitable for making sauces?

A2: Absolutely! Cuore di Bue tomatoes’ rich, meaty texture makes them perfect for sauces.

Q3: Can I grow Cuore di Bue tomatoes in a small garden?

A3: Yes, you can. Cuore di Bue tomatoes are versatile and can thrive in various gardening spaces.

Q4: What is the best way to store Cuore di Bue tomatoes?

A4: Store them at room temperature until fully ripe, then refrigerate to extend their shelf life.

Q5: Are Cuore di Bue tomatoes suitable for canning?

A5: Yes, they make excellent canned passata, preserving their delicious flavor.

Q6: Can I use Cuore di Bue tomatoes in salads?

A6: Absolutely! Their robust flavor adds depth to salads, enhancing your culinary creations.

Q7: Where can I find Cuore di Bue tomatoes outside of Italy?

A7: Look for them at specialty markets, farmers’ markets, or consider growing them at home.

Further Readings:

1 Grow Tomatoes At Home Without Fail (Secret To 8x the results)

2. How To Grow Indeterminate Tomatoes

3. Companion Plants For Tomatoes

4. Transplanting Tomato Seedlings – Tips for Success

5. Types of Tomatoes: (40 Plus) Best Tomato Varieties To Plant

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